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  • Writer's pictureAndi Hale

Wilko Johnson Visitor Centre

In November 2022, world-renowned musician Wilko Johnson (lead singer and guitarist of Dr Feelgood) was laid to rest in Oakfield Wood by his family, along side his wife who was laid to rest in the woodland back in 2004. After close consultation with his family, Oakfield Wood Trust propose to name the visitor centre after him. Wilko’s passion and love of the Essex countryside were well known, and therefore, it will be a fitting tribute to continue his legacy in this small corner of the Essex countryside.

Located at Wrabness in North East Essex, the centre overlooks the beautiful River Stour, and lies within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The burial ground is becoming a wonderful habitat for wildlife. When the burial ground is full, it will be handed over to the Essex Wildlife Trust for their safekeeping and to ensure that the ground remains cared for and accessible to all relatives, friends and visitors.

In order to accommodate a growing number of visitors and burials, and to provide amenities for the local community, Oakfield Wood is building a visitor centre and multi-faith chapel of rest.

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